
Voici la liste des productions scientifiques associées au projet STIMUL.

  •  Publications
  1. Barberis D., Humblot P., Chiadmi I., Jayet P.-A., Lungarska A. and Ollier M. (2020), Climate Change and Irrigation Water: Should the North/South Hierarchy of Impacts on Agricultural Systems Be Reconsidered?, Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 24p, doi: 10.1007/s10666-020-09724-8
  2. Bayramoglu, B., Chakir, R. & Lungarska (2020), "Impacts of Land Use and Climate Change on Freshwater Ecosystems in France" Environmental Modeling and Assessment 25, 147–172.
  3. Isbasoiu A., Jayet P.-A., De Cara S., (2020), Increasing food production and mitigating agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union: impacts of carbon pricing and calorie production targeting, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, . doi: 10.1007/s10018-020-00293-4
  4. Jayet P.-A., Isbasoiu A., De Cara S. (2020), Slaughter cattle to secure food calories and reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions? Some prospective estimates for France, Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 101:67-90, doi: 10.1007/s41130-020-00117-9.
  5. R. Prudhomme, A. De Palma, P. Dumas, R. Gonzalez, P. Leadley, H. Levrel, A. Purvis, and T. Brunelle (2020): “Combining mitigation strategies to increase co-benefits for biodiversity and food security”,  Environmental Research Letters, Volume 15, Number 11
  6. Damien Beillouin, Tamara Ben-Ari, David Makowski 2019 "A dataset of meta-analyses on crop diversification at the global scale" Data in Brief, Volume 24.
  7. J. Vaitkeviciute, R Chakir, S Van Passel (2019) "Climate variable choice in Ricardian studies on European agriculture". Revue Economique. vol 70.
  8. ALBERT, Isabelle and MAKOWSKI, David. (2018) "Ranking crop species using mixed treatment comparisons". Research Synthesis Methods.
  9. Lungarska, A. & Chakir, R. (2018), 'Climate induced land use change in France: impacts of agricultural adaptation and climate change mitigation', Ecological Economics 147 , 134--154.
  10. Cernay, C.; Makowski, D. & Pelzer, E. (2017), 'Preceding cultivation of grain legumes increases cereal yields under low nitrogen input conditions', Environmental Chemistry Letters, 1--6.
  11. Lesur-Dumoulin, C.; Malézieux, E.; Ben-Ari, T.; Langlais, C. & Makowski, D. (2017), 'Lower average yields but similar yield variability in organic versus conventional horticulture. A meta-analysis', Agronomy for Sustainable Development 37(5), 45.


  • Présentations dans des conférences
  1. A. Lungarska, D. Narayanappa, R. Prudhomme, R. Chakir,  T. Brunelle, P.A. Jayet, N. de Noblet-Ducoudré, C. Bellora, J.C. Bureau, P. Leadley, S. De Cara,  P Ciais (2020):"Halving mineral nitrogen in European agriculture: insights from multi-scale land-use models" presented at the EAAE webinar "The nitrogen planet boundary: how economists could help?", september 2020.                                                                                            
  2. R.Chakir, A.Lungarska, D.Narayanappa, C.Bellora, T.Brunelle, J.Bureau, N.De Noblet,P.Leadley, R.Prudhomme, B.Bayramoglu, P.Ciais, S.De Cara, P.Jayet and D. Marowski (2019).“Halving mineral nitrogen in European agriculture : insights from multi-scale Land-use models”. IATRC - EU Summer Symposium, Seville, Spain. June.
  3. A. Lungarska, R. Chakir et P.-A. Jayet. (2018) “Input taxation at different spatial scales : reducing nitrogen fertilizer use in Europe” 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Gothenburg, Sweden, June.
  4. Bayramoglu, R. Chakir, A. Lungarska: 'Land use and freshwater ecosystems in France' presented at the 18th Annual BIOECON Conference, Cambridge, septembre 2016. Conference EcoMod, Lisbonne, juillet 2016. The 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), juin-juillet 2017, Athènes, Grèce. And at the XV EAAE Congress, août 2017, Parme, Italie
  5. Rémi Prudhomme , Thierry Brunelle, Patrice Dumas, Xin Zhang.  (2017): 'Legumes production in Europe to mitigate agricultural emissions in a global perspective' Présenté à la conférence de la FAERE (French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists)
  • Working papers
  1. Lungarska, Chakir and Jayet (2020): "Land use adaptation to climate change in Europe: a spatial econometric analysis", working paper.
  2. Jayet and Ollier (2018): 'Economic tools aiming at nitrogen use reduction by the European agro-system', working paper
  3. Lungarska, Chakir and Jayet (2018) : 'Input taxation at different spatial scales: reducing nitrogen fertilizer use in Europe' working paper