Articles de revues académiques

Articles scientifiques publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture, classés pas année.



Saint-Eve, A.; Souchon, I.; Soler, L.G.; Delarue, J.
Liking and sensory determinants of perceived naturalness and healthiness. A study on pizzas with young adults in a natural eating environment
in : Food Quality and Preference, (2025), vol. 123. art.105330.
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Bareille, F.; Chakir, R.; Regnacq, C.
Rainwater shocks and economic growth: The role of the water cycle partition
A paraître in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, (2024). art.103047
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Bareille, F.; Chakir, R.; Keles, D.
Weather shocks and pesticide purchases
in : European Review of Agricultural Economics, (2024), vol. 51, n° 2. pp. 309-353.
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Bayramoglu, B.; Haita-Falah. C.
With or without the European Union: the convention for the protection of the Black Sea against pollution.
in : Environment and Development Economics, (2024), vol. 29, n° 4. pp. 296-318
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Brunelle, T.; Chakir, R.; Carpentier, A.; Dorin, B.; Goll, D.; Guilpart, N.; Maggi, F.; Makowski, D.; Nesme, T.; Roosen, J.; Tang, F.H.M.
Reducing chemical inputs in agriculture requires a system change
in : Communication Earth & Environment, (2024), vol. 5, art. 369. 9 p.
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Dakpo, H.; Latruffe, L.; Desjeux, Y.; Jeanneaux, P.
Measuring productivity when technology is heterogeneous using a latent class stochastic frontier model
A paraître in : Empirical Economics, (2024).
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Eckert, N.; Rigolot, E.; Caquet, T.; Naaim, M.; Allard, D.; Erdlenbruch, K.; Garric, J.; Gohin, A.; Giacona, F.; Lang, M.; Marette, S.; Membré, J.M.; Mougin, C.; Reynaud, A.; Sabatier, R.
Les risques environnementaux en 2020 : une feuille de route pour INRAE
Environmental risks in 2020: a roadmap for INRAE

in : Nature Sciences Sociétés, (2024), vol. 31, n° 3. pp. 347-358.
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Gérard, M.; De Cara, S.; Meunier, G.
Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from the cattle sector: Land-use regulation as an alternative to emissions pricing
A paraître in : American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2024). 34 p.
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Giacomoni, G.
The Need for Products Interchangeability: An Unsolved Problem of Semantic Conflicts No Product Definition System Can Support Perfectly
in : Journal of the Knowledge Economy, (2024), vol.15. pp.7672-7701.
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Gouel, C.; Ma, Q.; Stachurski, J.
Interest rate dynamics and commodity prices
in : Journal of Economic Theory, (2024), vol. 222. art. 105915.
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Kasser, A.: Le Cadre Loret, E.; Meunier, G.; Ponssard, J.P.; Zarea, M.
Decarbonization with induced technical change: Exploring the niche potential of hydrogen in heavy transportation
in : Journal of Cleaner Production, (2024), vol. 437, art. 140743.
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Louhichi, K.; Merisier, D.
Potential impacts of the Common Agricultural Policy's Income Stabilisation Tool on farmers' incomes and crop diversity: A French case study
in : Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2024), vol. 75, n° 2. pp.716-739
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Lungarska, L.; Chakir, R.
Projections of climate change impacts on ecosystem services and the role of land use adaptation in France
in : Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, (2024), vol. 22. art.100369.
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Ly, A.; Chakir, R.; Creti, A.
Electrification or deforestation? Evidence from household practices in Côte d’Ivoire
Electrification ou déforestation ? Les pratiques des ménages en Côte d'Ivoire

in : Energy Economics, (2024), vol. 136. art. 107717. 20 p.
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Martin, C.; Harel-Oger, M.; Garric, G.; Marette, S.
Impact of sensory properties and their appreciation on willingness to pay for innovative cheeses with health benefits
in : Food Quality and Preference, (2024), vol. 118. art.105207
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Mavi, C.M.
Creative Destruction vs Destructive Destruction : A Schumpeterian Approach for Adaptation and Mitigation
in : Mathematical Social Sciences, (2024), vol. 127, pp.36-53.
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Mérel, P.; Paroissien, E.; Gammans, M.
Sufficient statistics for climate change counterfactuals
in : Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, (2024), vol. 124. art.102940
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Meunier, G.; Ponssard, J.P.
Green industrial policy, information asymmetry, and repayable advance
in : Journal of Public Economic Theory, (2024), vol. 26, n° 1, art. e12668
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Meziani,L.; Hammoudi,A.; Radjef,M.S.; Perito. M.A.
How to Reduce Post-Harvest Losses ? A Theoretical Assessment of a Support Policy versus a Regulation Policy
in : Revue d'économie politique, (2024), vol. 134; n°1,  pp. .49-80
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Nedoncelle, C.; Wolfersberger, J.
Weather shocks and firm exports in developing countries
A paraître in : Review of World Economics, (2024), 42 p.
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Ollier, M.; De Cara, S.
Give and take: An analysis of the distributional consequences of emission tax-and-rebate schemes with an application to greenhouse gas emissions from European agriculture
in : Ecological Economics, (2024), vol. 219, art. 108154

Ollier, M.; Jayet, P.A.; Humblot, P.
 An assessment of the distributional impacts of autonomous adaptation to climate change from European agriculture
in : Ecological Economics, (2024), vol. 222.  art. 108221
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Orset, C.
Air, land, and water pollutants and public health expenditures: Empirical data from selected EU countries in the transport sector
in : Journal of Environmental Management, (2024), vol. 356. art. 120534
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Orset, C.
The acceptability of the risk of death in the treatment of respiratory diseases in France
in : Health Economics Review, (2024), vol. 14, art. 78. 10 p.
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Orszagh, E.; de Matteu Monteiro, C.; Pires, S. M.; Jozwiak, J.; Marette, S.;Membré, J.M.; Feliciano, R.J.
Holistic risk assessments of food systems
in : Global Food Security, (2024), vol. 43. art. 100802.
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Paroissien, E.;  Beatty, T.K.M.; Nebout, A.
Household food waste and the opportunity cost of time
in : Ecological Economics, (2024), vol. 216, art.108012.
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Prache, S.; Lebret, B.; Baeza, E.; Martin, B.; Gautron, J.; Médale, F.; Corraze, G.; Van Baelen,C.; Raulet, M.; Lefèvre, F.; Verrez-Bagnis, V.; Sans, P.
Qualité et authentification des produits animaux issus de l’agriculture biologique vs conventionnelle
in : INRAE Productions Animales, (2024), vol. 37, n° 2. art. 8264.
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Spiteri, M.; Narayanane, G.; Réquillart, V.; Soler, L.G.
Reformulation of processed foods: Mixed effects on salt and saturated fatty acids intake in France
A paraître in : Agribusiness, (2024). 18 p.
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Allais, A.; Enderli, G.; Sassi, F.; Soler, L.G.
Effective policies to promote sugar reduction in soft drinks: lessons from a comparison of six European countries
in : European Journal of Public Health, (2023), vol.33, n°6. pp.1095-1101.
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Amouzay, H.; Chakir, R.; Dabo-Niang, S.; El Ghini, A.
Structural Changes in Temperature and Precipitation in MENA Countries
in :  Earth Systems and Environment, (2023), vol. 7. pp. 359–380.
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Bamière, L.; Bellassen, V.; Angers, D.; Cardinael, R.; Ceschia, E.; Chenu, C.; Constantin, J.; Delame, N.; Diallo, A.; Graux, A.-I.; Houot, S.; Klumpp, K.; Launay, C.; Letort, E.; Martin, R.; Mézière, D.; Mosnier, C.; Réchauchère, O.; Schiavo, M.; Thérond, O.; Pellerin, S.
A marginal abatement cost curve for climate change mitigation by additional carbon storage in French agricultural land
in : Journal of Cleaner Production, (2023), vol. 383, art. 135423. 21 p.
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Bareille, F.; Chakir, R.
The impact of climate change on agriculture: A repeat-Ricardian analysis
in : Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, (2023), vol. 119, art. 102822.
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Bareille, F.; Chakir, R.
Structural identification of weather impacts on crop yields: Disentangling agronomic from adaptation effects
A paraître in : American Jounal of Agricultural Economics, (2023).
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Bareille, F.; Wolfesberger, J.; Zavalloni, M.
Institutions and conservation: The case of protected areas
in : Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, (2023), vol. 118. 13 p.
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Bayramoglu, B.; Jacques, J.F.; Nedoncelle, C.; Neumann-Noel, L.
International climate aid and trade
in : Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, (2023), vol. 117. art. 102748
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Bayramoglu, B.; Jacques, J.F.; Poret, S.
Nutrition and Climate Policies in the European Union: Friends or Enemies?
in : Environmental and Resource Economics, (2023), vol. 86, n° 4. pp.807-849
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Berland, O.; Etilé, F.;Soler, L.G.
Food price inflation: What possible consequences for modest households
in : Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique, (2023), vol. 58, n°2. pp. 83-85.
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Bjørnåvold, A.; David, M.; Mermet-Bijon, V.; Beaumais, O.; Crastes Dit Sourd, R.; van Passel, S.; Martinet, V.
To tax or to ban? A discrete choice experiment to elicit public preferences for phasing out glyphosate use in agriculture
in : PLoS ONE, (2023), vol. 18, n° 3.
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Blain, J.; Cantuarias, C.; Barois,B.; Zeller-Cohen, M.
 How can infrastructure enable 15-minute cities?
in : Construction Journal, (2023).
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Bourgeon, J.-M.; Breuillé, M.-L.
Citizen preferences and the architecture of government
A paraître in : Social Choice and Welfare, (2023).
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Chambolle, C.; Christin, C.; Molina, H.
Buyer Power and Exclusion: A Progress Report
in : International Journal of Industrial Organization, (2023), art. 102969.
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Chambolle, C.; Molina, H.
A Buyer Power Theory of Exclusive Dealing and Exclusionary Bundling
in : American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, (2023), vol. 15, n° 3. pp. 166-200.
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Cocco, V.; Kervinio, Y.; Mouysset, L.
Relaxing the production-conservation trade-off: Biodiversity spillover in the bioeconomic performance of ecological networks
in : Ecological Economics, (2023), vol. 214. art.107966.
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Courtois, P.; Martinez, C.; Thomas, A.
Spatial priorities for invasive alien species control in protected areas
in : Science of the Total Environment, (2023), vol. 878. art. 162675
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Dakpo, H.; Desjeux, Y.; Latruffe, L.
Cost of abating excess nitrogen on wheat plots in France: An assessment with multi‐technology modelling
in : Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2023), vol. 74, n° 3. pp. 800-815
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Daran, B.; Levasseur, P.; Clément, M.
Updating the association between socioeconomic status and obesity in low‐income and lower‐middle‐income sub‐Saharan African countries: A literature review
in : Obesity Reviews, (2023), vol. 24, n° 10. art. e13601
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Delame, N.
Revenu des ménages agricoles : diversification des activités pour compenser la dispersion et la variabilité des revenus agricoles
in : Regards croisés sur l'économie, (2023), n° 33 (2). pp.132-141.
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Dequiedt, B.; Brunette, M.; Delacote, P.; Servonnat; E.
Is risk a limit or an opportunity to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions? The case of fertilisation in agriculture
in : Environmental Modeling & Assessment, (2023), vol. 28, n° 5. pp.735-759.
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Derumigny, A.; Girard, L.; Guyonvarch, Y.
Explicit Non-Asymptotic Bounds for the Distance to the First-Order Edgeworth Expansion
A paraître in : Sankhya A, (2023).
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Drouka, A.; Brikou, D.; Causeret, C.; Al Ali Al Malla, N.; Sibalo, S.; Ávila, C.; Alcat,G.; Kapetanakou,A.E.; Gurviez, P.; Fellah-Dehiri, N.; Masson, M.; Kontogianni, M.D.; Yannakoulia, M.
Effectiveness of school-based interventions in Europe for promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors in children
in : Children, (2023), vol. 10 . art.1676. 15 p.
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Durand, M.; Touchette, D.; Chen, Y.J.; Magnuson, E.; Wasserscheid, J.; Greer, C.; Whyte, L.; Altshuler, I.
Effects of marine diesel on microbial diversity and activity in high Arctic beach sediments
in : Marine Pollution Bulletin, (2023), vol. 194, Part A. art.115226.
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Eckert, N.; Rigolot, E.; Caquet, T.; Naaim, M.; Allard, D.; Erdlenbruch, K.; Garric, J.; Gohin, A.; Giacona, F.; Lang, M.; Marette, S.; Membré, J.M.; Mougin, C.; Reynaud, A.; Sabatier, R.
Les risques environnementaux en 2020 : une feuille de route pour INRAE
in : Natures Sciences Sociétés, (2023), vol. 31, n° 3. pp.347-358.
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El Akkari, M.; Ben Fradj, N.; Gabrielle, B.; Njakou Djomo, S.
Spatially-explicit environmental assessment of bioethanol from miscanthus and switchgrass in France
in : Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy, (2023),vol. 6. art. 100059.
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Fillon, R.; Guivarch, C.; Taconet, N.
Optimal climate policy under tipping risk and temporal risk aversion
in : Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, (2023), vol. 121. art.102850.
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Gérard, M.; Jayet, P.A.
European farmers’ response to crop residue prices and implications for bioenergy policies
in : Energy Policy, (2023), vol. 177. art. 113561
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Giacomoni, G.
Financement participatif de l’entrepreneuriat durable - une théorie postmoderne du portefeuille de Markowitz
in  : Management & sciences sociales, (2023), vol. 2023/2, n° 35. pp. 164-183.
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Giacomoni G.
The Need for Products Interchangeability: An Unsolved Problem of Semantic Conflicts No Product Definition System Can Support Perfectly
in : Journal of the Knowledge Economy, (2023).
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Girard, L.; Guyonvarch, Y.
Bridging Methodologies: Angrist and Imbens’ Contributions to Causal Identification
in : Revue d'économie politique, (2023), vol. 133, n° 6. pp.845-905.
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Gouel, C.; Jean, S.
Love of variety and gains from trade
in : European Economic Review, (2023), art. 104558.
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Guyomard, H.; Soler, L.G.; Détang-Dessendre, C.; Réquillart, V.
The European Green Deal improves the sustainability of food systems but has uneven economic impacts on consumers and farmers
in : Communications Earth & Environment, (2023), vol. 4, n° 1.  art.358.
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Hoarau, Q. ; Meunier, G.
Coordination of sectoral climate policies and life cycle emissions
Coordination des politiques climatiques sectorielles et des émissions de cycle de vie
in : Resource and Energy Economics, (2023), vol. 72. art. 101359
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Huguet, J.; Chassard, C.; Lavigne, R.; Irlinger, F.; Souchon, I.; Marette, S.; Saint-Eve, A.; Penicaud, C.
Environmental performance of mixed animal and plant protein sources for designing new fermented foods
in : Cleaner Environmental Systems, (2023), vol. 9. art. 100115
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Huguet, J.; Chassard, C.; Lavigne, R.; Irlinger, F.; Souchon, I.; Marette, S.; Saint-Eve, A.; Penicaud, C.
Dataset about the Life Cycle Assessment of new fermented food products mixing cow milk and pea protein sources
in : Data in Brief, (2023), vol. 48, art. 109263.
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Jamaluddine, Z.; Safadi, G.; Irani, A.; Salti, N.; Chaaban, J.; Abdulrahim, S.; Thomas, A.; Ghattas, H.
Inequalities in Wellbeing in Lebanese Children and Different Refugee Subpopulations: A Multidimensional Child Deprivation Analysis
in : Child Indicators Research, (2023), vol. 16. pp. 2055-2073.
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Keles, D.; Pfaff, A.; Mascia, M.
Does the Selective Erasure of Protected Areas Raise Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon?
in : Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, (2023), vol. 10, n° 4. pp.1121-1147.
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Lambotte,M.; De Cara, S.; Brocas, C.; Bellassen, V.
Organic farming offers promising mitigation potential in dairy systems without compromising economic performances
in : Journal of Environmental Management, (2023), vol. 334. art. 117405.
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Langlois, B.; Martinet, V.
Defining cost-effective ways to improve ecosystem services provision in agroecosystems
in : Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (2023), vol. 104, n° 2.  pp.123-165.
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Latruffe, L.; Niedermayr, A.; Desjeux, Y.; Dakpo, H.; Ayouba, K.; Schaller, L.; Kantelhardt, J.; Jin, Y.; Kilcline, K.; Ryan, M.; O’donoghue, C.
Identifying and assessing intensive and extensive technologies in European dairy farming
in : European Review of Agricultural Economics, (2023), vol. 50, n° 4. pp. 1482-1519.
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Lungarska, A.; Brunelle, T.; Chakir, R.; Jayet, P.A.; Prudhomme, R.; De Cara, S.; Bureau, J.C
Halving mineral nitrogen use in European agriculture: Insights from multi-scale land-use models
in : Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, (2023), vol. 45, n° 3. pp. 1529-1550.
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Marcon, E.; Puech, F.
Mapping distributions in non-homogeneous space with distance-based methods
in : Journal of Spatial Econometrics, (2023), vol. 4, n° 1. art. 13.
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Marette, S.; Disdier, A.C.; Bodnar, A.; Beghin, J.
New plant engineering techniques, R&D investment and international trade
in : Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2023), vol. 74, n° 2. pp. 349-368.
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Marette, S.; Beghin, J.; Disdier, A.C.; Mojduszka, E.
Can foods produced with new plant engineering techniques succeed in the marketplace? A case study of apple
in : Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, (2023), vol. 45, n° 1. pp.414-435.
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Martin, C.; Harel-Oger, M.; Garric, G.; Le Loir, Y.; Soler, L.-G.; Marette
Acceptability of a sustainable technological innovation applied to traditional soft cheese: Information concerning the benefits for health and the environment can compensate for a lower hedonic appreciation
Acceptabilité d'une innovation technologique durable appliquée à un fromage à pâte molle traditionnel : l'information concernant les avantages pour la santé et l'environnement peut compenser une moindre appréciation hédonique
in : Food Quality and Preference, (2023), vol. 104, art. 104753. 12 p.
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Martinet, V.; Gajardo, P.; de Lara, M.
Bargaining on monotonic social choice environments
A paraître in : Theory and Decision, (2023). 30 p.
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Minviel, J.J.; Fares, M.; Blazy, J.M.; Thomas, A.
Technical Efficiency and Complementarity of Agroecological Innovations in French West Indies Banana Production
in : Applied Economics Letters, (2023), vol. 30, n° 18. pp.2652-2656.
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Mishra, A.; Louhichi, K.; Genovese, G.; Gomez y Palom, S.
Insights into land size and productivity in Ethiopia: What do data and heterogenous analysis reveal?
Aperçu de la relation taille des exploitations et productivité en Éthiopie : que révèlent les données et les analyses hétérogènes ?
in : Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, (2023), vol. 7. 14 p.
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Nedoncelle, C.
Exporters under foreign heat
in : Oxford Economic Papers, (2023).
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Perignon, M.; Rollet, P.; Tharrey, M.; Recchia, D.; Drogué, D.; Caillavet,F.; Méjean, C.; Darmon, N.
The revised Healthy Purchase Index (r-HPI): a validated tool for exploring the nutritional quality of household food purchases
in : European Journal of Nutrition, (2023), vol. 62, n° 1. pp.363-377.
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Raineau, Y.; Giraud-Héraud, E.; Lecocq, S.; Pérès, S.; Pons, A.; Tempère, S.
When health-related claims impact environmental demand: Results of experimental auctions with Bordeaux wine consumers
in : Ecological Economics, (2023), vol. 204. art. 107663.
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Sait, R.; Hammoudi, A.; Radjef, M.S.
Endogenous formation of a joint lab in an oligopolistic market: private incentives, collective incentives and welfare
A paraître in : The Singapore Economic Review, (2023). 35 p.
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Wimmer, S.;Dakpo, H.
Components of agricultural productivity change: Replication of US evidence and extension to the EU
in : Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, (2023), vol. 45, n° 3. pp. 1332-1355.
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Aboulkacem, E.-M.; Nedoncelle, C.
Wage variations and commuting distance
in : Journal of Economic Geography, (2022) vol. 22, n° 5. pp. 1097-1123.
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Aghabeygi, M.; Louhichi, K.; Gomez, S.
Impacts of fertilizer subsidy reform options in Iran: an assessment using a Regional Crop Programming model
in : Bio-based and Applied Economics, (2022), vol. 11, n° 1. pp. 55-73.
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Bareille, F.; Zavalloni, M.; Viaggi, D.
Agglomeration bonus and endogenous group formation
A paraître in : American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2022), 23 p.
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Batista Soares, D.; Borocco, E.
Rational destabilization in commodity markets
in : Journal of Commodity Markets, (2022), vol. 25. 34 p.
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Beaudet, C.; Tardieu, L.; David, M.
Are citizens willing to accept changes in public lighting for biodiversity conservation?
A paraître dans: Ecological Economics, (2022).

Bjørnåvold, A.; David, M.; Bohan, D.A.; Gibert, C.; Rousselle, J.M.; Van Passel, S.
Why does France not meet its pesticide reduction targets? Farmers' socio-economic trade-offs when adopting agroecological practices
in : Ecological Economics, (2022), vol. 198. art 107440. 28 p.
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Bougherara, D.; Courtois, P.; David, M.; Weill, J.
Spatial preferences for invasion management: a choice experiment on controlling Ludwigia grandiflora in a French regional park
in : Biological Invasions, (2022), 21 p.
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Chakir, R.;Thomas, A.
Unintended Consequences of Environmental Policies: the Case of Set-aside and Agricultural Intensification
A paraître in : Environmental Modeling and Assessment, (2022). 22 p.
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Chambolle, C.; Molina, H.
A Buyer Power Theory of Exclusive Dealing and Exclusionary Bundling
A paraître in : American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, (2022).
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Cortesi, A.; Pénicaud, C.; Saint-Eve, A.; Soler, L.-G.; Souchon, I.
Life cycle inventory and assessment data for quantifying the environmental impacts of a wide range of food products belonging to the same food category: A case study of 80 pizzas representatives of the French retail market
in : Data in Brief, (2022), vol. 41.
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Cortesi, A.; Pénicaud, C.; Saint-Eve, A.; Soler, L.-G.; Souchon, I.
Does environmental impact vary widely within the same food category? A case study on industrial pizzas from the French retail market
in : Journal of Cleaner Production, (2022), vol. 336. 12 p.
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Dupoux, M.; Martinet, V.
Could the environment be a normal good for you and an inferior good for me? A theory of context-dependent substitutability and needs
in : Resource and Energy Economics, (2022), vol. 69. 20 p.
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Gisch, U.; Robert, M.; Berlin, N.; Nebout, A. ;Etilé, F.; Teyssier, S.; Andreeva, V.; Hercberg, S.; Touvier, M.; Péneau, S.
Mastery Is Associated With Weight Status, Food Intake, Snacking, and Eating Disorder Symptoms in the NutriNet-Santé Cohort Study
in : Frontiers in nutrition, (2022), vol. 9.
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Hélias, A.; van Der Werf, H.M.G.; Soler, L.-G.; Aggeri, F.; Dourmad, J.-Y.; Julia, C.; Nabec, L.; Pellerin, S.; Ruffieux, B.; Trystram, G.
Implementing environmental labelling of food products in France
in : International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, (2022), vol. 27. pp. 926–931.
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Henry, L.
Adapting the designated area of geographical indications to climate change
A paraître in  : American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2022). 28 p.
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Kesse-Guyot, E.;Lairon, D.; Allès, B.; Seconda, L.; Rebouillat, P.; Brunin, J.; Vidal, R.; Taupier-Letage, B.; Galan, P.; Amiot, M.-J.; Péneau, S.; Touvier, M.; Boizot-Szantai, C.; Ducros, V.; Soler, L.-G.; Cravedi, J.-P.; Debrauwer, L.; Hercberg, S.; Langevin, B.; Pointereau, P.; Baudry, J.
Key findings of the French BioNutriNet project on organic food-based diets: description, determinants, and relationships to health and the environment
in : Advances in Nutrition, (2022), vol. 13, n° 1. pp. 208-224.
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Le Bodo, Y.; Etilé, F.; Julia, C.; Friant-Perrot, M.; Breton, E.; Lecocq, S.; Boizot-Szantai, C.; Bergeran, C.; Jabot, F.
Public health lessons from the French 2012 soda tax and insights on the modifications enacted in 2018
in : Health Policy, (2022), vol. 126, n° 7. pp. 585-591.
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Lemarié, S.; Marette, S.
The socio-economic factors affecting the emergence and impacts of new genomic techniques in agriculture: A scoping review
in : Trends in Food Science & Technology, (2022), vol. 129. pp. 38-48.
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Louhichi, K.; Ricome, A.; Gomez y Paloma, S.
Impacts of agricultural taxation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from agricultural produce cess in Tanzania
in : Agricultural Economics, (2022), vol. 53, n° 5. pp. 671-686.
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Marette, S.
Ecological and/or Nutritional Scores for Food Traffic-Lights: Results of an Online Survey Conducted on Pizza in France
in : Sustainability, (2022), vol. 14, n° 1. 23 p.
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Marette, S.
Open questions about local food
in : Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (2022), vol. 103, n° 1. pp. 91-96.
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Marette, S.; Disdier, A.-C.; Bodnar, A.; Beghin, J.
New plant engineering techniques, R&D investment and international trade
A paraître in : Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2022). 20 p.
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Marette, S.; Roosen, J.
Just a little bit more legumes! Results of an online survey in Europe
in : International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, (2022), vol. 25, n° 2. pp. 329-345.
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Martinet, V.; Del Campo, S.; Cairns, R.D.
Intragenerational inequality aversion and intergenerational equity
in : European Economic Review, (2022), vol. 144. 20 p.
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Maurice, B.; Saint-Eve, A.; Pernin, A.; Leroy, P.; Souchon, I.
How Different Are Industrial, Artisanal and Homemade Soft Breads?
in : Foods, (2022), vol. 11, n° 10. 21 p.
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Minviel, J.J.; Fares, M.; Blazy, J.-M.; Thomas, A.
Technical Efficiency and Complementarity of Agroecological Innovations in French West Indies Banana Production
in : Applied Economics Letters, (2022).
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Moindjie, I.A.; Pinsard, C.; Accatino, F.; Chakir, R.
Interactions between ecosystem services and land use in France: a spatial statistical analysis
in : Frontiers in Environmental Science, (2022), vol. 10. art. 954655. 29 p.
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Morgan, S.; Pfaff, A.; Wolfersberger, J.
Environmental Policies Benefit Economic Development: Implications of Economic Geography
in : Annual Review of Resource Economics, (2022), vol. 14, pp. 427-446.
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Neumann-Noel, L.; Bayramoglu, B.
Where do donor countries stand in climate aid allocation and reporting ? An overview of bilateral climate aid
Où en sont les pays donateurs en matière d'allocation et de notification de l'aide climatique ? Un aperçu de l'aide climatique bilatérale
in : Revue Française d'Economie, (2022), vol. 37. pp. 79-119.
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Prudhomme, R.; Chakir, R.; Lungarska, A.; Brunelle, T.; Devaraju, N.; de Noblet, N.; Jayet, P.A.; De Cara, S.; Bureau , J.C.
Food, climate and biodiversity: A trilemma of mineral nitrogen use in European agriculture
A paraître in : Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (2022). 29 p.
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Zelingher, R.; Makowski, D.
Forecasting Global Maize Prices From Regional Productions
in : Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, (2022), vol. 6. 10 p.
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Bamière, L.; Jayet, P.A.; Kahindo, S.; Martin, E.
Carbon sequestration in French agricultural soils: A spatial economic evaluation
in : Agricultural Economics, (2021) vol.52, n° 2. pp. 301-316.
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Barberis, D.; Chiadmi, I.; Humblot, P.; Jayet, P.A.; Lungarska, A.; Ollier, M.
Climate Change and Irrigation Water: Should the North/South Hierarchy of Impacts on Agricultural Systems Be Reconsidered?
in : Environmental Modeling & Assessment, (2021), vol. 26. pp. 13-36.
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Bareille, F.; Zavalloni, M.; Raggi, M.; Viaggi, D.
Cooperative Management of Ecosystem Services: Coalition Formation, Landscape Structure and Policies
in : Environmental and Resource Economics, (2021), 34 p.
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Bayramoglu, B.; Jacques, J.F.
Is Clean Development Always Possible? The Role of Environmental Policy in Developing Countries in the Presence of Aggregate Demand Spillovers
A paraître in : Environmental Modeling & Assessment, (2021). 15 p.
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Cairns, R.D.; Martinet, V.
Growth and long-run sustainability
in : Environment and Development Economics, (2021), vol. 26, n° 4. pp. 381-402.
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Dakpo, K. Hervé ;Latruffe, Laure;Desjeux, Yann;Jeanneaux, Philippe
Latent Class Modelling for a Robust Assessment of Productivity: Application to French Grazing Livestock Farms
in : Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2021), 22 p.
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Delacote, P.; Lobianco, A.; Caurla, S.; Bontemps, J.D.; Lungarska, A.; Mérian, P.; Rivière, M.; Barkaoui, A.
The Loop Effect: How Climate Change Impacts the Mitigation Potential of the French Forest Sector
in : Journal of Forest Economics, (2021), vol. 36, n° 3. pp. 201-264.
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Delame, N.
Revenus agricoles et non agricoles des agriculteurs de 2003 à 2016
Farm income and non-farm income of farmers from 2003 to 2016
in : Economie rurale, (2021), n° 378. pp. 77-95
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Desbois, D.
Applying interval PCA and clustering to quantile estimates: empirical distributions of fertilizer cost estimates for yearly crops in European Countries
in : Communications in Statistics: Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications, (2021), 22p.
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Dorinet, E.; Jouvet, P.A.; Wolfesberger, J.
Is the agricultural sector cursed too? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
A paraître in : World Development, (2021). art. 105250. 16 p.
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Gouel, Christophe; Laborde, David
The crucial role of domestic and international market-mediated adaptation to climate change
in :  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, (2021), vol. 106, art. 102408. 26 p.
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Guenet, B.; Gabrielle, B.; Chenu, C.; Arrouays, D.; Balesdent, J.; Bernoux, M.; Bruni, E.; Caliman, J.P.; Cardinael, R.; Chen, S.; Ciais, P.; Desbois D.; Fouché, J.; Frank, S.; Henault, C.; Lugato; E.; Naipal, V.; Nesme, T.; Obersteiner, M.; Pellerin, S.; Powlson, D.; Rasse, D.; Rees, F.; Soussana, J.F.; Su, Y.; Tian, H.; Valin, H.; Zhou, F.
Can N2O emissions offset the benefits from soil organic carbon storage?
in :  Global Change Biology, (2021), vol.27, n° 2. pp. 237-256.
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Isbasoiu, A.; Jayet, P.A.; De Cara, S.
Increasing food production and mitigating agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union: impacts of carbon pricing and calorie production targeting
in : Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, (2021), vol. 23. pp. 409-440.
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Lambotte, Mathieu; De Cara, Stephane; Brocas, Catherine; Bellassen, Valentin
Carbon footprint and economic performance of dairy farms: the case of protected designation of origin dairy farms in France
in : Agricultural Systems, (2021), vol. 186. 12 p.
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Levrel, H.; Martinet, V.
Ecological Economists: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly?
in : Ecological Economics, (2021), vol. 179. 4 p.
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Marette, S.
Sustainability and Consumer Willingness to Pay for Legumes: A Laboratory Study with Lentils
in : Sustainability, (2021), vol. 13, n° 6, art. 3048. 16 p.
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Marette, S.; Disdier, A.C.; Beghin, J.C.
A Comparison of EU and US consumers’ willingness to pay for gene-edited food: Evidence from apples
in : Appetite (2021), vol. 159, n° 1. art. 105064. 11 p.
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Marette, S.; Beghin, J.; Disdier, A.C.; Mojduszka, E.
Can foods produced with new plant engineering techniques succeed in the marketplace? A case study of apples
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Marette, S.; Guéraud, F.; Pierre, F.
Regulation and Consumer Interest in an Antioxidant-Enriched Ham Associated with Reduced Colorectal Cancer Risks
Réglementation et intérêt des consommateurs pour un jambon enrichi en antioxydants associé à la réduction des risques de cancer colorectal
in : Nutrients, (2021), vol. 13, n° 5. art. 1542. 22 p.
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Martin, C.; Lange, C.; Marette, S.
Importance of additional information, as a complement to information coming from packaging, to promote meat substitutes: A case study on a sausage based on vegetable proteins
in : Food Quality and Preference, (2021), vol. 87, art 104058. 9 p.
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Piet, L.; Chatellier, V.; Delame, N.; Jeanneaux, P.; Laroche-Dupraz, C.; Ridier, A.; Veysset, P.
Mesurer le revenu des exploitations agricoles françaises : analyse comparée sur 15 ans d’indicateurs issus du Rica et de la MSA
Measuring the income of French farms: A 15-year comparative analysis of indicators from Rica and MSA
in : Economie rurale, (2021), n° 378. pp. 37-56.
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Saint-Eve A.; Irlinger, F.; Pénicaud, C.; Souchon,I.; Marette, S.
Consumer preferences for new fermented food products that mix animal and plant protein sources
in : Food Quality and Preference, (2021), art 104117, 13 p.
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Batista Soares, D.; Borocco, E.
Rational destabilization in commodity markets
A paraître in : Journal of Commodity Markets, (2021). 34 p. Art. 100190
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Zelingher, R.; Makowski, D.; Brunelle, T.
Assessing the Sensitivity of Global Maize Price to Regional Productions Using Statistical and Machine Learning Methods
in : Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, (2021), vol. 5. 11 p.
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Arribas, I.; Louhichi, K.; Perni, A.; Vila, J.; Gomez y Paloma, S.
Modelling agricultural risk in a large scale positive mathematical programming model
Modélisation du risque agricole dans un modèle de programmation mathématique positive à grande échelle
in : International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, (2020), vol. 10, n° 1. pp. 2-32.
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Ay, J.S.;Gozlan, E.
Disease dispersion as a spatial interaction: The case of Flavescence Dorée
in : Natural Resource Modeling, (2020), vol. 33, n° 3, art. e12265. 29 p.
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Bareille, F.; Dupraz, P.
Productive Capacity of Biodiversity: Crop Diversity and Permanent Grasslands in Northwestern France
in : Environmental and Resource Economics, (2020), vol. 77. pp. 365-399.
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Bareille, F.; Gohin, A.
Simulating the Market and Environmental Impacts of French Pesticide Policies: A Macroeconomic Assessment
in : Annals of Economics and Statistics, (2020), n° 139. pp. 1-28.
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Bareille, F.; Zavalloni, M.
Decentralisation of agri-environmental policy design
Décentralisation de la conception des politiques agro-environnementales
in : European Review of Agricultural Economics, (2020), vol. 47, n° 4. pp.1502-1530.
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Bayramoglu, B.; Chakir, R.; Lungarska, A.
Impacts of Land Use and Climate Change on Freshwater Ecosystems in France
in : Environmental Modeling & Assessment,(2020), vol. 25, n° 2. pp. 147-172.
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Ben Fradj, N; Jayet, P.A.; Rozakis, S.; Georganta, E.; Jedrejek, A.
Contribution of agricultural systems to the bioeconomy in Poland: Integration of willow in the context of a stylised CAP diversification
in : Land Use Policy, (2020), vol. 99. 24 p.
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Bourgeon, J.M.; Picard, P.
Insurance law and incomplete contracts
in : Rand Journal of Economics, (2020), vol. 51, n° 4. pp. 1253-1286.
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Chèze, B.; Chevallier, J.; Berghmans, N.; Alberola, E.
On the CO2 emissions determinants during the EU ETS Phases I and II: a plant–level analysis merging the EUTL and Platts power data
in : Energy Journal, (2020), vol. 41, n° 4. pp.153–184
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Chèze, B.;David, M.;Martinet, V.
Understanding farmers' reluctance to reduce pesticide use: A choice experiment
in : Ecological Economics, (2020), vol. 167. 14 p.
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Ciaian, P.; Espinosa, M.; Louhichi, K.; Perni, A.
Farm Level Impacts of Trade Liberalisation and CAP Removal Across EU: An Assessment using the IFM-CAP Model
Impacts au niveau de l'exploitation agricole de la libéralisation du commerce et de l'élimination de la PAC à travers l'UE: une évaluation utilisant le modèle IFM-CAP
in : The German Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2020), vol. 69, n° 2. pp. 108-126.

de Gavelle, E.; Leroy, P.; Perrimon, M.; Huneau, J.F.; Sirot, V.; Orset, C.; Fouillet, H.; Soler, L.G.; Mariotti, F.
Modeled gradual changes in protein intake to increase nutrient adequacy lead to greater sustainability when systematically targeting an increase in the share of plant protein
in : Climatic Change, (2020), vol. 161. pp. 129-149.
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De Sousa, J. C.; Disdier, A.-C.; Gaigné, C.
Export decision under risk
Décision d’exportation en environnement risqué
in : European Economic Review, (2020), vol. 121. 23 p. art. 103342
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El Akkari, M.; Ferchaud, F.; Strullu, L.; Shield, I.; Perrin, A.; Drouet, J.L.; Jayet, P.A.; Gabrielle, B.
Using a Crop Model to Benchmark Miscanthus and Switchgrass
in : Energies, (2020), vol. 13, n°15, art. 3942. 22 p.
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Espinosa, M.; Louhichi, K.; Perni, A.; Ciaian, P.
EU-Wide Impacts of the 2013 CAP Direct Payments Reform: A Farm-Level Analysis
in : Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, (2020), 42, n° 4. pp. 695-715.
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Gésan-Guiziou, G.; Alaphilippe, A.; Aubin, J.; Bockstaller, C.; Boutrou, R.; Buche, P.; Collet, C.; Girard, A.; Martinet, V.; Membré, J.M.; Sabbadin, R.; Thiollet-Scholtus, M.; van der Werf, H.M.G.
Diversity and potentiality of multi-criteria decision analysis methods for agri-food research
in : Agronomy for Sustainable Development, (2020), vol. 40, n° 6. 11 p.
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Gouel, C.
The Value of Public Information in Storable Commodity Markets: Application to the Soybean Market
La valeur de l'information publique dans les marchés de matières premières stockables: Application au marché du soja
in : American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2020), vol. 102, n° 3. pp. 846-865.
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Hardy, P.Y.; Dray, A.; Cornioley, T.; David, M.; Sabatier, R.; Kernes, E.; Souchere, V.
Public policy design: Assessing the potential of new collective Agri-Environmental Schemes in the Marais Poitevin wetland region using a participatory approach
in : Land Use Policy, vol. 97. art. 104724. 12 p.
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Jayet, P.A.; Isbasoiu, A.; De Cara, S.
Slaughter cattle to secure food calories and reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions? Some prospective estimates for France
in : Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (2020). 24 p.
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Lambotte, M.; De Cara, S.; Bellassen, V.
Once a quality-food consumer, always a quality-food consumer? Consumption patterns of organic, label rouge, and geographical indications in French scanner data
in : Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (2020), vol. 101, n° 1. pp. 147-172.
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Lemarié, S.; Orozco, V.; Butault, J.P.; Musolesi, A.; Simioni, M.; Schmitt, B.
Assessing the long-term impact of agricultural research on productivity: Evidence from France
in : European Review of Agricultural Economics, (2020), vol. 47, n° 4. pp. 1559-1586.
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Marette, S.
Editorial for the special issue on “the economics and sociology of the food-health-environment Nexus”
in : Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (2020). 4 p.
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Marette, S.
News and views on meat: a brief introduction
in : Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (2020), vol. 101. 2 p.
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Marette, S., Le Velly, R.
Editorial: news and views from the RAFE
in : Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (2020), vol. 101. 2 p.
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Marette, S.; Requillart, V.
Dietary Models and Challenges for Economics
in : Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (2020), vol. 101. pp. 5-22
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Orset, C.; Monnier, M.
How do lobbies and NGOs try to influence dietary behaviour?
in : Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (2020), vol. 101. pp. 47-66.
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Patouillard, L.; Lorne, D.; Collet, P.; Bulle, C.; Margni , M.
Prioritizing regionalization to enhance interpretation in consequential life cycle assessment: Application to alternative transportation scenarios using partial equilibrium economic modeling
Priorité à la régionalisation pour améliorer l'interprétation dans l'analyse du cycle de vie conséquentielle : Application à des scénarios de transport alternatifs à l'aide d'un modèle économique d'équilibre partie
in : International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, (2020), vol. 25, n° 12. pp. 2325-2341.
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Poquet, D.; Ginon, E. ; Sénécal, C.; Chabanet, C. ; Marette, S.; Issanchou, S. ; Monnery-Patris, S.
Effect of a pleasure-oriented intervention on the nutritional quality of midafternoon snacks and on the relationship between food liking and perceived healthiness within mother-child dyads
in : Food Quality and Preference, (2020), vol. 84. art.103947.
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Saidi M.; Ay J.S.; Marette S; Martin C.
Willingness-To-Pay for Reshuffling Geographical Indications
in : Journal of Wine Economics, (2020), vol. 15, n° 1. pp. 95-111.
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Tola Losa, E.; Arjomandi, A.; Dakpo, K.H.; Bloomfield, J.
Efficiency comparison of airline groups in Annex 1 and non-Annex 1 countries: A dynamic network DEA approach
in : Transport Policy, (2020), vol. 99. pp. 163-174.
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Wu, H.; Marette, S.
Local and Global Welfare When Regulating Organic Products: Should Local Regulation Target Production or Consumption?
in : Sustainability, (2020),vol. 12, n° 14. Art. 5492. 19 p.
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Aubert, D.; Chiroleu-Assouline, M.
Environmental tax reform and income distribution with imperfect heterogeneous labour markets
in : European Economic Review, (2019), vol. 116. pp. 60-82.
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Bayramoglu, B.
Price interactions between wild and farmed products: Turkish sea bass and sea bream markets
Interactions de prix entre les produits sauvage et cultivé : Les marchés de bar et de dorade en Turquie
in : Aquaculture Economics and Management, (2019), vol. 23, n° 1. pp. 111-132.
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Bayramoglu, B., Chakir, R., Lungarska, A.
Impacts of Land Use and Climate Change on Freshwater Ecosystems in France
in : Environmental Modeling and Assessment, (2019), vol. 25, n° 2. pp. 147-172.
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Bellora, C.; Bourgeon, J. M.
Food trade and biodiversity effects
in : International Economic Review, (2019), vol. 60, n° 4. pp. 1957-1999.
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Bureau, J.-C.; Guimbard, H.; Jean, S.
Agricultural Trade Liberalisation in the 21st Century: Has It Done the Business?
in : Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2019), vol. 70, n° 1. pp. 3-25
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Bureau, J.C.; Guimbard, H.; Jean, S.
Competing liberalizations: tariffs and trade in the twenty-first century
in : Review of World Economics, (2019), vol. 70, n° 1. pp. 3-25.
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Cairns, R. D. ; Del Campo, S. ; Martinet, V.
Sustainability of an economy relying on two reproducible assets
Soutenabilité d’une économie reposant sur deux actifs renouvelables
in : Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, (2019), vol. 101. pp. 145-160.
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Castellari, E. ; Marette, S. ; Moro, D. ; Sckokai, P.
Can menu labeling affect away-from-home-dietary choices?
Un label affiché sur les menus peut il modifier les choix alimentaires et la nutrition
in : Bio-based and Applied Economics, (2019), vol. 7, n° 3. pp. 249-243.
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Castellari, E. ; Marette, S. ; Moro, D. ; Sckokai, P.
The Impact of Information on Willingness to Pay and Quantity Choices for Meat and Meat Substitute
in : Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, (2019), vol. 17, n° 1.
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Castellari, E.; Ricci, E. C.; Stranieri, S.; Marette, S.; Sarnataro, M.; Soregaroli, C.
Relationships Between Health and Environmental Information on the Willingness to Pay for Functional Foods: The Case of a New Aloe Vera Based Product
Impact de l’information sur la santé et l'environnement sur la volonté de payer pour les aliments fonctionnels : le cas d'un nouveau produit avec de l’Aloe Vera
in : Nutrients, (2019), vol. 11, n° 11. 2781. 16 p.
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Dakpo, K. H.; Desjeux, Y.; Jeanneaux, P.; Latruffe, L.
Productivity, technical efficiency and technological change in French agriculture during 2002-2015: a Färe-Primont index decomposition using group frontiers and meta-frontier
in : Applied Economics, (2019), vol. 51, n° 11. pp. 1166-1182.
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Dakpo, H.K.; Jeanneaux, P.; Latruffe, L.
Pollution-adjusted productivity changes: extending the färe–primont index with an illustration with french suckler Cow farms
in : Environmental Modeling & Assessment, vol. 24, n° 6. pp. 625-639.
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Dakpo, H.K.; Oude Lansink, A.
Dynamic pollution-adjusted inefficiency under the by-production of bad outputs
in : European Journal of Operational Research, (2019), vol. 276, n° 1. pp. 202-211.
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Dupoux, M.
The land use change time-accounting failure
in : Ecological Economics, (2019), vol. 164. pp. 1-15.
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Elegbede, C. F.; Papadopoulos, A.; Just, J.; Moneret-Vautrin, D. A.; Deschildre, A.; Crepet, A.
Gender, prick test size and rAra h 2 sIgE level may predict the eliciting dose in patients with peanut allergy: Evidence from the Mirabel survey
in : Clinical and Experimental Allergy, (2019), vol. 49, n° 5. pp. 677-689.
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Espinosa, M.; Louhichi, K.; Perni, A.; Ciaian, P.
EU‐Wide Impacts of the 2013 CAP Direct Payments Reform: A Farm‐Level Analysis
Impacts à l'échelle de l'UE des paiements directs de la réforme de la PAC de 2013: une analyse au niveau de la ferme
in : Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy,(2019), First online. pp. 1-21.
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de Gavelle, E.; Leroy, P.; Perrimon, M.; Huneau, J.-F.; Sirot, V.; Orset, C.; Fouillet, H.; Soler, L. G.; Mariotti, F.
Modelled gradual changes in protein intake to increase nutrient adequacy lead to greater sustainability when systematically targeting an increase in the share of plant protein
in : Climatic Change, (2019), 21 p. Online article.
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Gésan-Guiziou, G.; Alaphilippe, A.; Andro, M.; Aubin, J.; Bockstaller, C.; Botreau, R.; Buche, P.; Collet, C.; Darmon, N.; Delabuis, M.; Girard, A.; Grateau, R.; Kansou, K.; Martinet, V.; Membre, J. M.; Sabbadin, R.; Soler, L. G.; Thiollet-Scholtus, M.; Tonda, A.; Van-Der-Werf, H.
Annotation data about multi criteria assessment methods used in the agri-food research: The french national institute for agricultural research (INRA) experience
in : Data in Brief, (2019), vol. 25. Art. 104204
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Gouel, C.; Guimbard, H.
Nutrition Transition and the Structure of Global Food Demand
in : American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2019), vol. 101, n° 2. pp. 383-403.
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Marchal, L.; Nedoncelle, C.
Immigrants, occupations and firm export performance
Immigrés, ccupations et performance à l’exportation des entreprises
in : Review of International Economics, (2019), vol. 27, n° 5. pp. 1480-1509.
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Marette, S.
Les effets du Nutri-Score en France sur le consentement-à-payer des consommateurs à faible revenu
The impact of traffic lights on willingness-to-pay for consumers with low income
in : Décisions Marketing , (2019), n° 96 (Octobre-Décembre). pp. 69-88.

Marette, S.
The Ambiguous Impact of Information Related to Fish Sustainability
A paraître in : Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization, (2019)
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Marette, S. ; Nabec, L. ; Durieux, F.
Improving Nutritional Quality of Consumers’ Food Purchases With Traffic-Lights Labels: An Experimental Analysis
Améliorer la qualité nutritionnelle des achats alimentaires des consommateurs avec des feux de signalisation : une analyse expérimentale
in : Journal of Consumer Policy, (2019). pp. 1-19
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Mosnier, C.; Britz, W.; Julliere, T.; De Cara, S.; Jayet, P.-A.; Havlík, P.; Frank, S.; Mosnier, A.
Greenhouse gas abatement strategies and costs in French dairy production
in : Journal of Cleaner Production, (2019), vol. 236, art. UNSP 117589.
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Mouysset, L. ; Rais Assa, C. ; Ay, J.-S. ; Jiguet, F. ; Lorrilière, R. ; Doyen, L.
Bioeconomic impacts of agroforestry policies in France
in : Land Use Policy, (2019), vol. 85. pp. 239-248
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Mutel, C.; Liao, X.; Patouillard, L.; Bare, J.; Fantke, P.; Frischknecht, R.; Hauschild, M.; Jolliet, O.; de Souza, D. M.; Laurent, A.; Pfister, S.; Verones, F.
Overview and recommendations for regionalized life cycle impact assessment
in : International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, (2019), vol. 24, n° 5. pp. 856-865.
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Orset, C.
How travellers are responding to environmental policies for reducing air pollution?
Quels sont les impacts des politiques de santé et environnementales pour réduire la pollution de l'air sur les comportements des voyageurs ?
in : Ecological Economics, (2019), vol. 156. pp. 68-82
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Date de modification : 15 octobre 2024 | Date de création : 13 avril 2010 | Rédaction : Régis Grateau