Prochains Séminaires
6 février 2025
11h 00 - E2.508
Young Kim
“Payments for Ecosystem Services Programs and Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture"
Payments for ecosystem services (PES) programs can enhance resilience to extreme weather events by establishing natural infrastructure. I investigate the effectiveness of the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) in the United States in mitigating flooded crop losses through the restoration of riparian buffers and wetlands. By leveraging variation in the timing of the program’s introduction across counties, I find that CREP reduced the number of flooded crop acres by 39 percent and the extent of damage on those acres by 26 percent during the initial 11 years of program implementation. The flood mitigation benefits of CREP also generated financial spillover effects on the federal crop insurance program, saving $94 million in indemnity payouts that would have otherwise been paid to insured farmers. Two-thirds of these benefits resulted from reduced flood damage on cropland in production, while the remaining benefits were attributed to the removal of at-risk cropland from production. The magnitude of benefits varied spatially and temporally depending on the duration of program availability, the extent of program participation, and the adoption of alternative risk management strategies. Overall, these findings underscore the critical role of PES programs in facilitating nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation.
- 6 février 2025 : Young Kim (University of Oxford) - "Payments for Ecosystem Services Programs and Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture"
- 4 mars 2025 : Benoit Schmutz-Bloch (Ecole Polytechnique)
- 11 mars 2025 : Florian Oswald (University of Turin)
- 1er avril 2025 : Céline Bonnet (Toulouse School of Economics)
Organisés les mardis de 11h00 à 12h15.
Lieu : E2.508
Organisateur : Can Askan Mavi - INRAE -
Archives récentes
- 4 février 2025 : Karine Nyborg (University of Oslo) - “Image Preferences as a Driver of Normative Polarization”
We demonstrate how the preference to be highly regarded by others as well as oneself can drive strong polarization and segregation. Being highly regarded by someone requires conforming to that person’s normative views. We assume that if normative views move towards one extreme, image costs increase for one type of individuals but decrease for the other type. Individuals trade off image benefits against effort costs in the short run; in the long run, normative views and peer group affiliations develop endogenously. Individuals gradually adapt their normative views to those of their peers, but more reluctantly so for views harming their self-image. Over time, people may also switch social groups, seeking peers regarding them highly. The steady state is extremely polarized and segregated: each social group consists of same-type individuals who agree on the most extreme implicitly self-serving normative view. However, if normative views are partially adopted across peer groups, not only within groups, equilibrium polarization is less extreme.
- 30 janvier 2025 : Christophe Gouel (PSAE) - "Carbon bias of tariffs: Are fossil fuels the culprits?”, avec Cecilia Bellora (OCDE), Lionel Fontagné (U. Paris 1) et Youssef Salib (Ecole des Ponts)
This paper revisits the existence of a carbon bias in trade policies, where dirtier sectors receive lower trade protection compared to cleaner sectors. Using a stylized general equilibrium model that accounts for greenhouse gas emissions, we confirm the presence of a carbon bias in 2019 but find it to be significantly smaller than previously estimated. The bias is mainly driven by low tariffs on fossil fuels, particularly crude oil. Further analysis reveals that domestic consumption taxes on fossil fuels in non-producing countries function as de facto tariffs. When these taxes are included in tariffs, the carbon bias shifts to a pro-environmental stance. Additionally, incorporating the finite nature of fossil fuel resources into the model reverses the carbon bias, as production becomes less responsive to tariff changes. These findings suggest reasonable doubts about the reality of this carbon bias and imply that addressing its existence in trade policies is not a policy priority compared to more impactful measures, such as directly taxing greenhouse gas emissions.
- 21 janvier 2025 : Veronica Salazar-Retrespo (Uni.Geneva) - “Cattle Supply Chains and Deforestation in Brazil”, avec Matthieu Stigler (U. Genève)
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- 14 janvier 2025 : Martin Quaas (University of Leipzig) - “Fisheries Management from a Fisherman’s perspective: An Economic Theory”
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- 11 janvier 2025 : Romain Fillon (PSAE) - "The Biophysical Channels of Climate Impacts"
How does regional economic activity shape regional climate impacts? Land use and land cover (LULC) change with economic activity, affecting regional climate through biophysical channels like albedo. These regional feedbacks are often overlooked in quantitative spatial models, which focus on global carbon effects. By incorporating this biophysical feedback, I find notable welfare implications for adaptation and mitigation, as it alters temperature impacts and interacts with regional adaptation. Using a dynamic-spatial model at a global 1° grid along ‘middle-of-the-road’ scenario SSP2-4.5, I estimate the welfare consequences of climate change, with agents that adapt through migration, structural change and trade. I interact intra-annual climate projections with model-consistent non-linear damage patterns on amenities and sectoral productivities. Without biophysical impacts, almost all locations experience negative welfare changes: there are no benefits to be expected from climate change in the Northern Hemisphere. Biophysical channels account for 2.4% of total welfare impacts, intensifying regressive effects of climate change on lower-income regions.
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How should governments respond to rapid increases in the cost of living driven by shocks to the prices of staple goods? We study this question in the context of the 2022–2023 European Energy Crisis. Vulnerability to price shocks depends both on energy spending patterns – which we show vary widely and only weakly correlate with income – and substitution responses. Households responded to price rises with an average elasticity of energy consumption of 0.31, but with the top fifth of energy users having an elasticity over 50% larger than the bottom fifth. The UK government's policy response – a combination of an energy price subsidy and a universal transfer – reduced the average welfare loss from the crisis from 6% to 1% of income. However, the intervention entailed efficiency costs of £3.7bn over six months. We show that an alternative policy that bases transfers on income and past energy use, alongside a subsidy, closes 60% of the gap in social welfare between the UK’s policy and the first-best.
- 17 décembre 2024 : Claire Rimbaud (U. Paris Dauphine) - “Playing Dumb to Look Green? The Impact of Information Complexity on Attitudes Toward Information”, avec Alice Soldà (EM Lyon)
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