Stéphane De Cara


Tel : 01 89 10 09 97



UMR Paris-Saclay Applied Economics
22 place de l’Agronomie
CS 20040
91 123 Palaiseau Cedex

Thèmes de recherche

Politique agricole et environnement, effet de serre d’origine agricole, séquestration du carbone, accords internationaux environnementaux, marchés mondiaux des céréales.

Page personnelle



Liste des principales publications avec résumés, liens ou accès direct à leur texte complet (Source Hal-Inrae base de données institutionnelle des chercheurs de l'INRAE)


Sélection de publications


Gérard, M.; De Cara, S.; Meunier, G.
Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from the cattle sector: Land-use regulation as an alternative to emissions pricing
A paraître in : American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2024). 34 p.
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Ollier, M.; De Cara, S.
Give and take: An analysis of the distributional consequences of emission tax-and-rebate schemes with an application to greenhouse gas emissions from European agriculture
in : Ecological Economics, (2024), vol. 219, art. 108154
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Lambotte,M.; De Cara, S.; Brocas, C.; Bellassen, V.
Organic farming offers promising mitigation potential in dairy systems without compromising economic performances
in : Journal of Environmental Management, (2023), vol. 334. art. 117405.
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Lungarska, A.; Brunelle, T.; Chakir, R.; Jayet, P.A.; Prudhomme, R.; De Cara, S.; Bureau, J.C
Halving mineral nitrogen use in European agriculture: Insights from multi-scale land-use models
in : Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, (2023), vol. 45, n° 3. pp. 1529-1550.
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Lungarska, A.; Brunelle, T.; Chakir, R.; Jayet, P.-A.; Prudhomme, R.; De Cara, S.; Bureau, J.-C.
Halving mineral nitrogen use in European agriculture: insights from multi-scale land-use models
Document de travail, (2022), 30 p.
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Prudhomme, R.; Chakir, R.; Lungarska, A.; Brunelle, T.; Devaraju, N.; de Noblet, N.; Jayet, P.A.; De Cara, S.; Bureau , J.C.
Food, climate and biodiversity: A trilemma of mineral nitrogen use in European agriculture
A paraître in : Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (2022). 29 p.
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Isbasoiu, A.; Jayet, P.A.; De Cara, S.
Increasing food production and mitigating agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union: impacts of carbon pricing and calorie production targeting
in : Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, (2021), vol. 23. pp. 409-440.
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Lambotte, M.; De Cara, S.; Brocas, C.; Bellassen, V.
Carbon footprint and economic performance of dairy farms: the case of protected designation of origin dairy farms in France
in : Agricultural Systems, (2021), vol. 186. 12 p.
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Jayet, P.A.; Isbasoiu, A.; De Cara, S.
Slaughter cattle to secure food calories and reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions? Some prospective estimates for France
in : Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (2020). 24 p.
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Lambotte, M.; De Cara, S.; Bellassen, V.
Once a quality-food consumer, always a quality-food consumer? Consumption patterns of organic, label rouge, and geographical indications in French scanner data
A paraître in : Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studie, (2020). 26 p.
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Mosnier, C.; Britz, W.; Julliere, T.; De Cara, S.; Jayet, P.-A.; Havlík, P.; Frank, S.; Mosnier, A.
Greenhouse gas abatement strategies and costs in French dairy production
in : Journal of Cleaner Production, (2019), vol. 236, art. UNSP 117589.
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De Cara, S. ; Henry, L. ; Jayet, P.-A.
Optimal coverage of an emission tax in the presence of monitoring, reporting, and verification costs
Couverture optimale d'une taxe sur les émissions en présence de coûts de MRV
in : Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, (2018), vol. 89. pp. 71-93.
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Grosjean, G. ; Fuss, S.; Koch, N.; Bodirsky, B. L.; De Cara, S.; Acworth, W.
Options to overcome the barriers to pricing European agricultural emissions
in : Climate Policy, (2018), vol. 18, n° 2. pp. 151-169.
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Date de modification : 27 août 2024 | Date de création : 13 avril 2010 | Rédaction : Olivier Cauchy